January 2006 Banlist Update

After long discussions and intense deliberations, we have decided to reset the banned list at the start of the year. A total of 14 cards have been unbanned and only one card has been banned. We hope this will bring fresh energy to the format and help us develop the ideal banned list for the Highlander format.

This marks a significant departure from our previous approach of continuous maintenance of the list, which was originally based on the old 1.5 format. We are now venturing into a new space where combo decks may find their place in the format.

All unbannings are to be understood as test unbannings, meaning that it should be expected that cards which prove to be too strong will be returned to the banned list at the next update (the next update is scheduled for April 15, 2006).

We now invite everyone to put the cards to the test and help identify which cards may be too powerful for our format.


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